February 9, 2011


I'm reading Stephen King's book, "It" right now.

I've never read a book that made my spine tingle like this one.  You may or may not like King's writing but I've always enjoyed his books.  I've read about 10 of them and will probably continue reading a few more this year. 

It was a New Year's Resolution to read more.  I usually have a book or two on the go but last year didn't hardly read anything but some pop fiction. 

So this book.

The premise is about a group of kids who are not killed by this evil clown named Pennywise.  You've all probably saw the movie.  Well I can tell you right now there is absolutely no way that the movie does this book justice.  King has a tendancy to let his pen run.  And run.  And run.  He'll develop minor characters.  Spend 15 pages setting the background of someone who is killed early on.  It's great though because he knows how to really build a story.  That's why he's probably one of the most popular writers of the modern era.  I'm not finished the book but I wanted to mention the fear. 


Remember childhood fear?
Ghost stories.

I can remember being afraid at 6 years old after watching of all movies, ET.  Why?  I don't know.  Maybe it was the fear of the unknown.  or Alien. 

As a child it's harder to seperate reality from dreams.  This is no more evident then in It.  The fear is manifested into adulthood in this group of character's lives. 

What if you could still really feel the fear.  Not be able to seperate reality from dreams.  Or the true opposite.  Innocent joy.  Sheer absolute happiness.  Like Christmas day.  Or riding your bike down a country road in the summer time.

I'd take that kind of feeling again.  Even if it meant I would have to experience real fear.


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