April 7, 2011

Sweetheart: Local Vancouver Press in the Georgia Straight

So I got a text from my friend Lindsay at Secret Study at lunch today while I was working out. 
(I thought I'd throw that in there to show that I keep fit)

She told me to check out page 56 in the Georgia Straight.  The "Straight" as they call it here in Vancouver is a free local weekly arts & entertainment magazine.  It's a great source for Vancouverites to find out what is going on that week in the city.  I literally read it all the time. 

Anyway, so I turn to page 56 and this is what I read:
Sweetheart's "Love Disaster" - "In need of a melancholic yet upbeat-breakup song?  Look no further than Sweetheart, a group that makes pop music so perfect that we're yearning for a gold-digging girlfriend just so we can dump her with this one playing in the background"
that was a nice review right?

Well the best part is that I didn't send the song in.  I didn't phone or email the magazine.  In fact, "Love Disaster" isn't even released in any format to the public yet.  It will be on our upcoming EP, XOXOX but that isn't out yet.   We just got the masters last week. 

This tiny little post makes me feel really optimistic about things to come for Sweetheart.

Email us: sweetheartband@gmail.com and I'll send you a pre-release MP3 of Love Disaster.
