January 25, 2011

No Filter

As you know, or don't know, I've been putting my heart out there for scrutiny on the internet lately.  Not only in this blog but also with my demo home recordings here:

As I was working on track #6 this week I got excited.  This new song is a breakthrough for me because I feel that lyrically I've come a long way.  I feel the growth in my music.  It's really rewarding to feel that I have moved down that artistic path instead of staying at a stand still. 

A sample lyric is:
"I know it's hard to say I love you/while I am standing for my crimes/The last angel left in the city/is right here by my side"


"I'm not to be disposed of/I get pushed in too fast/This war's like natural disasters in your mind."

The hardest part about not playing in a band is not filtering yourself.  Saying to yourself, "I'm happy with this the way it is".  Not being afraid of what people think.  Just putting yourself out there.  Every band I've ever been in is a filter.  They weed out the unoriginal, the cheesy, the overproduced, the bad lyric idea.  Usually the people in the band that you trust can offer a new perspective on the work.  Fresh eyes and ears. 
When you're doing it on your own there is no safety net.  You have no safety net.  This isn't always true but that's how I'm doing it.  No fear.  As the artist intended.  Literally. 

I hope you can live life with no fear.  As you intend. 

No filter.


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